Coronavirus and remote working – strategies and tools for staying productive

The pandemic and the resulting lockdowns has meant that the trend of working from home has significantly risen as businesses shift to remote working to avoid public transport and physical meetings. High profile tech companies like Google, Microsoft and Apple all told employees to work from home where possible early on in the pandemic.


More and more businesses followed suit, and in a lot of cases, rushed to find ways to enable their staff to continue working whilst out of the office. Many businesses already use Cloud based technologies to enable flexible or remote working, it’s not a new concept and it’s also worth emphasising that it should not just be seen as a temporary solution to slow the spread of coronavirus. Remote working tools are something all employers should be considering putting in place regardless of the current public health situation.

General benefits of remote working:

  • Better work-life balance
  • Time savings due to not having to commute
  • Money savings such as fuel and parking as well as a reduction in office overheads
  • Positive environmental impact by reducing carbon footprint
  • Increased productivity – less distractions, quieter, less or more efficient meetings
  • Better health – more time for physical activity, the ability to eat healthier, less exposure to illnesses (hence the coronavirus effect)

As well as the obvious benefits above, at Connect Systems we have long championed to our customers the business gains they can make from opting for a Cloud solution:

  • Lower capital expenditure than with an in-house server
  • Predictable IT costs
  • Improved business continuity
  • Work from anywhere – all you need is a compatible device connected to the internet
  • Fully managed and off-sited back ups by Connect
  • In the event of an office based disaster, users can work from any location
  • All hardware and software kept up to date
  • Geographically dispersed users can collaborate more easily
  • Internal IT support requirement is reduced as there is no in-house server to support

For a more complete solution we can provide a Hosted Desktop solution. This allows users to log-on via a central desktop image that is the same from wherever you log-on, which aids IT administration and creates a common operating environment.

The hosted server solution is wholly owned and managed by Connect Systems from a highly secure Tier 4 datacentre in Buckinghamshire which is equipped with multiple hardware devices to ensure continuity of service. In addition we can replicate your servers to a further location to provide continuity of service in the event of a disaster at the datacentre.

If you need some support with your remote working arrangements we’d be happy to help. For an informal chat about Cloud computing and Hosted Server solutions or any aspect of IT please give us a call on 01494 810900.

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